Overview: GERAS DANCE fulfills an urgent need in our community to provide tailored evidence-based programming to help improve the health of older adults and was adapted for virtual implementation. This randomized controlled trial (RCT) aims to measure the feasibility of virtual GERAS DANCE in older adults to inform a large full-scale study.

Dancing at home to stay fit during COVID-19

ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT05202522
Study Type: Interventional (Clinical Trial)
Participants (N): 46
Allocation: Randomized
Intervention Model: Parallel Assignment
Masking: Single (Outcomes Assessor)
Primary Purpose: New models of care, Prevention
Intervention Description: GERAS DANcing for Cognition and Exercise (DANCE), a community-based rehabilitation program for older adults with cognitive decline and/or mobility impairments, has been adapted for virtual delivery through videoconferencing systems. Participants will receive twice-weekly (one hour per session) virtual dance sessions for a total of 6 weeks.
Primary Outcome Feasibility Outcomes (Recruitment, Retention, Data Collection)

Virtual GERAS DANCE waltzes across Canada

High-Impact Research